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Fair Voyage

Switzerland, various.



Fair Voyage

Traveling abroad conscientiously constitutes one of the greatest issues of globalization. How can one ensure that his tour guide is compensated fairly? Or that his hotel follows basic environmental guidelines?

Fair Voyage offers its customers organized tours that are exclusively certified by Global Sustainable Tourism Council bodies (or in the process). Their strength lies in their partner Travelife's ability to remotely certify tour operators in exotic destinations such as Namibia, Guyana or Bhutan. Through an auditing system independent of Fair Voyage, a fair opportunity is given to all aspiring tour operators to be showcased on an internationally-recognized platform.

On top of these guarantees, Fair Voyage boasts some very desirous trips: from VIP safaris to advanturous surfing or climbing trips, there is choice for everyone!

Fair Voyage offers the following thesis subjects:

Possible Involvement Opportunities

Thesis, internship.

Where Profit Meets Purpose

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