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In Guatemala, the second poorest country in Latin America, 83% of the population lacks access to proper sanitation services. Unsurprisingly, this brings a host of hygiene-related risks. When it comes to sanitation however, the problem does not only pertain to hygiene concerns; proper handling of the waste matter is also crucial to avoid environmental contamination when observing, for example, Lake Atitlán, which was declared in danger of excessive pollution due to wastewater from the surrounding communities.

With a staunch dedication to fulfilling local needs, Mosan and the indigenous population collectively developed a portable toilet to collect human output. It is then recovered and transformed into valuable fertilizers which is thereafter sold to farmers in need. Mosan further commits to its vision by involving various communities in educational events focused on changing their behavior. Their operations therefore require the cooperation of many different actors and requires extensive collaboration efforts.

While its user base may not be groundbreaking yet, Mosan has demonstrated time and again that it is capable of providing a (desperately) needed solution. But it requires motivated and visionary collaborators. Perhaps this is a place for you!


Switzerland, Guatemala.


Waste reduction, affordable sanitation.

Possible Involvement Opportunities


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